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Old 10-17-2023, 09:07 PM
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SS109 SS109 is offline
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Location: Tucson, AZ
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Lots of nasty rocks out here to break things when you drop/crash your bike so full wraparounds are a must IMO.

I currently run Fastway full wraparounds with Fastway shields (tried Cycras as well) on my Gasser. I have EE's on my KDX. The Fastway shields protect from cacti and whippers better than either Cycra or EE shields IME. Not as good as the, absolute best IMO, Maier Woods Enduro Pro shields but I'm not going to pay that much for some molded HDPE plastic.

You know, I've heard of the whole broken arm/wrist thing many times over the years but have never actually met anyone who has experienced it or seen it in person. I agree there is the possibility but, considering how many people run full wraparounds out there, I think the odds are fairly low or we would surely hear way more about it and no one would run them. Hell, I've gone over the bars a few times when running them yet no issue from my wraparounds.
WildAzzRacing YouTube channel
Trail Riders of Southern AZ club
AZ State Parks OHV Ambassador
'11 EC250R
'98 KDX220
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