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Old 04-11-2010, 04:03 PM
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bchatt bchatt is offline
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Hi Klausen
As Nick suggestes, the effect of reducing the checkplate bleed may be a bit hard to detect, but I do think forks are now riding slightly higher in their stroke, if you know what I mean. I remember thinking (the first time I rode after making these changes) that the handle bars felt higher.
The rebound stack you posted looks to me like it will be a bit stiff over the smaller or low speed bumps. I have tried for something more progressive with mine.
I think you will find that with the 7.5 wt oil you may be able to take out those "doubling up" face shims.
I also agree with Nick that we are often individual in our requirements, and the best way is to experiment in small steps and try to feel and understand what is happening each time you make a change. So, go ahead, it's easy, have fun!
07 EC250
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