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Old 06-04-2011, 12:54 AM
Tlineman Tlineman is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Kamloops, BC
Posts: 118

Originally Posted by CACTUSREID View Post
commenting on the short comings of your bikes suspension,makes some people here very angry. there have been enough riders on here in the recent past trying to figure their suspenders out, that -me thinks a bunch of bike were delivered with less than ideal stuff.
Its definitely not my intent to anger anyone but the fact of the matter is forums and websites like this only exist because people like myself try to improve upon what they have, be it susp, jetting, etc. I didn't join this site or buy a GG to irritate anyone. If we all wrote about how much we loved our bikes and didn't bring up areas that we felt as a group / or as individuals that could be improved upon, then a site like this wouldn't last. If a fellow GG owner doesn't like me or another member discussing our frustration or unhappiness with one aspect of a bike, then don't read the thread. I've been riding bikes for a lot of years now, all different brands. Every manufacturer has its quirks, or issues. None are exempt.

I'm a member here for the sole reason of trying to learn from my fellow GG riders, be it good or bad and to make my bike the best it can possibly be. Plain and simple.
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