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Old 10-24-2012, 09:39 PM
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andoman andoman is offline
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Dang, this doesn't get any easier...
I'll have a good talk with LT and get his opinion.

If anyone cares why I need it perfect:
My son is 17 and beat me last year at the Virginia City Grand Prix for the first time. Just by a few minutes over a 4.5 hour all-out race.
Part of the problem was that I endo-ed on the last lap and half the Cherry Coke in my camel-bak ended up on my goggles. Can you say dust magnet? Literally had to stop and lick my goggles clean.
The other part of the problem was I didn't have the Gasser quite dialed.
Next April will be the last opportunity I have to get even. He'll graduate high school and heads off to the Marine Reserves and then college.
I'm not getting younger and he's at the age that he gets faster every time we ride.
He's a bus-boy and I've got a little money in the bank. I'm buying the win, so to speak....

Thanks for all the input.
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